263 Route 108, Somersworth, NH 03878
Current Patients
Thank you for choosing Keystone Dental Arts as your dental provider.
As a current patient with us you will always receive exceptional care that extends beyond the chair.
Our Patient Portal is your own personal dashboard for your Keystone account.
Current patients may register now to enjoy the following benefits at your convenience:
Save time on your next appointment and update your individual or family patient information.
View your family balance and recent transactions.
View upcoming appointments for your entire family.
Make online payments.
New Registrants - Start HereWhen registering for the first time you will enter only basic contact information and choose a user name and password. After submitting your registration, our office will be notified of your registration. We will approve your account within 24 business hours and send an email confirmation. You are then free to login! Upon registration confirmation you may login to enjoy access to the following secure features: Save time on your next appointment and update your individual or family patient information. Edits to your patient information, as well as forms completed or updated online, will be encrypted and securely submitted to our office for update to your internal patient file. Upon our completion, you will receive an email confirmation and changes will appear online within 48 business hours. No further action is necessary. View your family balance and recent transactions. These are limited to the last 30 days of transactions. View upcoming appointments for your entire family. Make online payments. We accept Visa & MasterCard online. Your online payments are securely transmitted to us on the following business day and can take up to 48 hours to reflect in your online account. The system allows for only one login per household; however, all patients in one household can be viewed under this single account. Typically we will manually make these associations when approving your new online account request.
PrivacyYou should know the Patient Portal is facilitated by a secure, third-party industry partner agency that encrypts your transmitted information to and from your online account on our behalf. Certain features are built in to protect the privacy of your information, and some actions will not reflect immediately, as they require approval or updates to your internal patient file on our end. We provide the Patient Portal as a courtesy for the convenience of our patients. Please understand that as a third-party product, we do not have the ability to make modifications to these strict privacy features. If you have not already done so, please download our HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices.
Forgot User Name or Password?Lost User Names or Passwords may not be retrieved online. Please give our office a call at 603.692.9229 and we will be happy to assist you.
Human SupportIf you have any questions, simply give us a call during our normal business hours at 603.692.9229 and one of our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.
If you have not already done so, please download our HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices.
Add a Family Member
Want to add a new family member?
Fill out a New Patient Form and we will contact you to arrange an appointment for their First Visit.